International Football Turf Court with Floodlight

Our football court has international standard FIFA approved turf for high-quality playing standards and training. We have floodlight available for night games and practice sessions to nurture great footballers.

Multicourt for Volleyball, Basketball, and Badminton

We keep high standard multi courts for training our students in volleyball, basketball, and badminton. Our coaches set up practice sessions and games using the quality courts to enhance the game abilities of our trainees.

Boxing Rings

Boxing is a game on which we have achieved great success by moulding talented fighters from the young group. We have exemplar facilities to boost the game standards in quality boxing rings and boxing gear.

Archery and Fencing Training Facility

Daya Academy provides ideal facilities to support the upcoming talents in archery and fencing. We provide gear and training areas for our students to excel in their go-to sports careers combined with expert coaches to help them achieve heights.

Wrestling and Arm Wrestling Facility

Wrestlers from Kannur can reach the heights of their careers with the excellent facilities offered by the Daya Academy. We have wrestling and arm wrestling facilities that match national standards to produce competent youngsters at this sports.

Cricket Playing Facility (Tennis Ball) in Turf Ground

Quality cricket turfs are rare in Kannur, and the people who love the game don't have many facilities to play the game they enjoy so much. Daya Academy offers a cricket playing facility in our international standard turf ground.

Tug of War Fields and Ropes

Great tug of war games creates great entertainment and higher enthusiasms if arranged within a spacious facility with quality game tools and gears. Daya Academy is making waves by providing tug of war facilities of high standards.

Athletic Tracks and Pits

Great athletes are born and bred by high-class training facilities and expert coaching support. We provide our students with exemplar facilities in the form of athletic tracks and pits so that they can grow their performance relentlessly.

Swimming Pool

We have excellent swimming pool facilities for our students to train their swimming skills for competition and as a healthy activity. We take good care of the maintenance of our swimming pools at regular intervals with clean water and safety equipment.

State of Art Multi Gym

Daya Academy takes good care of trainees' fitness as it is an essential component of success in the career of a sports person. Our state of art multi gym offers the chance to exercise with different types of equipment to stay healthy and fit.

100 Gear Cycle and Ride Cycles

Cycling is a core activity organised at Daya Academy to enhance the potential of our students. We have a collection of cycles consisting of 100 gear cycles and ride cycles to conduct cycling sessions for moulding a healthy group.

Security Facilities for Cycle Riders

We conduct early morning cycling sessions to impart morning productivity and habit to our students. Such early morning cycling sessions comes with security facilities such as walkie talkies, pilot vehicles, and other essential safety facilities.

Beach Game Facilities and Open Gym

Beaches are the best place to practice many sports if arranged with proper facilities to conduct training sessions and games. Daya Academy offers beach games facilities and an open gym by converting the beautiful Azhikode beach.

Aerobic and Zumba Training

We give no compromise to arranging facilities to help the students to stay on top of their fitness. In addition to offering many other facilities, we also provide training on the most popular fitness program in the world, Zumba and other aerobic programs.

Multi-Purpose Hall

Daya Academy provides adequate facilities for holding a conference, organising indoor games and training programs for personal development. Our multi-purpose hall fulfils the requirements for these programs with necessary support facilities.

Separate Bath Attached Changing Rooms

Basic facilities come first on necessary facilities. Daya Academy provides easy access to clean and safe changeroom facilities with attached bathrooms separately for boys and girls with regular maintenance to avoid any mishaps.

Digital Reference Library

Reading is the key to enhancing one's knowledge and talent to the next level. Our digital reference library with thousands of files with regular updates is available for our students to learn more about things of their interest and improve their calibre.

Spot Medical Team and Ambulance with Oxygen Facility

We have a full-fledged expert medical team available for taking care of any medical emergencies at Daya Academy. Our ambulance with oxygen facility is available on-demand for travelling to hospitals if there is an emergency medical situation.

Purified Water Facility for Players

We never leave anything behind when it comes to offering the best facilities for our students. One such example is that we provide them with a purified water facility to supply clean and healthy water to keep them hydrated all day.

Security Camera and Generator Facility

We do everything possible to prepare a safe and secure environment for our students to practice their sports. We have security cameras installed at all corners to watch over any incidents, and we have a generator facility to cater to power needs.

Do you wish to secure a bright future
for your child?

Are you concerned about your child being unable to rise to the occasion by being healthy and active? Daya Academy is here to help you.

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