Sports for life, life for sports; How Daya Academy is
moulding Azhikode into the sports city of Kannur

"The child is the father of the man", William Wordsworth published this marvellous phrase in his 1802 poem 'My Heart Leaps Up'. Children are the future of the nation. The way we mould our children impacts the future of society and this great nation. It is this idea that fired up our visionary leader Dr N.K. Sooraj to embark on a journey that would spark a sports revolution in Azhikode village. He chose to work on this beautiful dream of shaping Azhikode as the best sports city in the Kannur district. The belief that empowerment is better to build a great society than keeping the people as the beneficiaries has fueled his thoughts to start Daya Sports Academy under the prestigious Daya Charitable Society.

We may blame the Millennials for being addicted to smartphones and social media, but we have failed to understand that we have not offered them any worthy goals to chase. Our team realised this very well and chose sports as the saviours of our beloved kids. Sports keeps us healthy and fit. It helps us be active and teaches us so many things about life. There is no better way to free children from dangerous addictions and distractions of the modern world that ties us to unhealthy and unproductive things. We have faced many challenges on the way, yet we stood our ground and witnessed miraculous changes in children's behaviour. We were able to enrol hundreds of students into our programs at the start, and the rest followed. All of our programs including, cycling, football, karate, badminton, have received heavy participation under experienced coaches. The results were further evident with our students winning medals in state-level competitions that boosted the popularity of the academy and the mission it carries. With various other activities and ambitious plans for the future in the making, the Daya Academy is taking the long road for a better future for our children, society, and the nation. We know we have miles to go before we pass the baton to the next generation, but we are proud to have taken the journey for the betterment of the promises of tomorrow. Let us do big things together.

The Leader with The Vision

Dr. N.K. Sooraj

Dr N.K. Sooraj, the visionary leader behind the foundation and success of Daya Academy, is one of a kind personality from Kannur. Currently serving as the honourable president of the academy, he is an ardent sports lover who realised the role sports can play in liberating children from the hold of smartphones. Dr Sooraj is an engineering graduate with a masters in project management from Switzerland and MBA from Machester University in the UK. He is the mastermind behind the idea of using sports to nurture potential students in Azhikode into sports superstars.

Dr N.K. Sooraj was born in Azhikode on 25th January 1971 and climbed steps of success with a relentless pursuit for excellence. He is the founder and CEO of Riyadh Villas Contracting company, one of the leading contracting companies in Saudi Arabia. Dr Sooraj serves many roles including, the Member of Loka Kerala Sabha, Chairman of Daya Charitable Trust & Daya Academy, Vice Chairman of Boxing Federation of India ( Development Commission), President of Kerala State Amateur Boxing Association, and Chairman of KEOS (Kannur Expatriates Organization Saudi Arabia).

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all the love of what you are doing or learning to do.

Do you wish to secure a bright future
for your child?

Are you concerned about your child being unable to rise to the occasion by being healthy and active? Daya Academy is here to help you.

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